Your search for "Interviews." (as subject) and "Starecheski, Amy, interviewer.--"(as name) and "Starecheski, Amy, interviewer."(as name) and "Starecheski, Amy, interviewer.--"(as subject) and "Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization)"(as subject) and "Education, Higher--Vietnam."(as subject) and "Starecheski, Amy, interviewer."(as subject) and "Interviews."(as subject) returned 4 hits
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Reminiscences of Michael Douglas Mann : oral history, 2006. [CCOH]
Reminiscences of Le Nahn Phuong : oral history, 2007. [CCOH]
Reminiscences of David G. Beanland : oral history, 2006. [CCOH]
Reminiscences of John Anthony Hay : oral history, 2006. [CCOH] | Refine your resultsProjectsAtlantic Philanthropies Oral History Project. (4) NamesStarecheski, Amy, interviewer.-- (4) Beanland, D. G.--Interviews. (1) Hay, John Anthony, 1942---Interviews. (1) Mann, Michael Douglas--Interviews. (1) Phuong, Le Nahn, 1965---Interviews. (1) SubjectsAtlantic Philanthropies (Organization) (4) Education, Higher--Vietnam. (4) Interviews. (4) Oral histories (literary works) (4) Starecheski, Amy, interviewer.-- (4) More subjects (12 more) » |
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