Your search for "Interviews." (as subject) and "International negotiations project."(as project) and "Diplomacy."(as subject) and "Barrett, Edward W., interviewer."(as subject) and "Oral histories."(as subject) and "Negotiation."(as subject) returned 2 hits
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Reminiscences of William Averell Harriman, 1969. [CCOH]
Reminiscences of William Averell Harriman, 1969 [CCOH] | Refine your resultsProjectsInternational negotiations project. (2) NamesHarriman, W. Averell (William Averell), 1891-1986--Interviews. (2) Barrett, Edward W., interviewer. (1) Barrett, Edward W., interviewer.-- (1) SubjectsDiplomacy. (2) Diplomatic negotiations in international disputes. (2) Diplomats--United States--Interviews. (2) Government executives--United States--Interviews. (2) Harriman, W. Averell (William Averell), 1891-1986--Interviews. (2) Barrett, Edward W., interviewer. (1) More subjects (7 more) » |
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