Your search for "Interviews." (as subject) and "Argentina project."(as project) and "Romero, Luis Alberto, interviewer."(as name) and "Oral histories."(as subject) and "Argentina--Economic conditions--1918-"(as subject) and "Interviews."(as subject) and "Duarte, Héctor, 1914-"(as subject) and "Labor unions--Officials and employees."(as subject) returned 2 hits
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Reminiscences of Héctor Duarte, 1971 [CCOH]
Reminiscences of Héctor Duarte, 1971. [CCOH] | Refine your resultsProjectsArgentina project. (2) NamesDuarte, Héctor, 1914---Interviews. (2) Romero, Luis Alberto, interviewer. (1) Romero, Luis Alberto, interviewer.-- (1) SubjectsArgentina--Economic conditions--1918- (2) Duarte, Héctor, 1914---Interviews. (2) Interviews. (2) Labor unions--Officials and employees. (2) More subjects (3 more) » |
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